Uncovering the reality of menopause in the workplace

Menopause is a significant transition that brings about physical and emotional changes that can influence employee's overall wellbeing. Employers play a crucial role in supporting those who are approaching or going through this transition by helping to ensure their physical and emotional needs are met in the workplace.


78% of women told us that their menopause symptoms interfered with their work, but only 19% discussed it with their employer.

Want to know more about what menopause is? Check out our Vhi Verified article Feeling isolated during menopause: causes, strategies and tips.

Perceptions versus reality

Our insights show that, although the average awareness of menopause symptoms has significantly increased by 9% since 2021, the symptoms that women today are actually experiencing can significantly differ from those that are more commonly associated with menopause.

While most recognise hot flushes, night sweats and mood changes, the top menopause symptoms actually experienced by the female employees surveyed include sleep disturbances, tiredness, weight gain and poor memory.

These symptoms can be disruptive, affecting concentration and productivity. Our research shows that only 38% of the female employees surveyed feel prepared and knowledgeable about the symptoms of menopause, with the majority expressing a sense of being caught unaware by the breadth of them and their effects on their day-to-day life.

And while our findings also show that there’s a slight increase in women willing to speak to healthcare providers about their menopause symptoms in theory, there’s still a tendency to postpone doing so in practice.

Driving change in the workplace

You as an employer have an opportunity to drive positive change in your workplace, by using our findings to foster a work environment where conversations around menopause are welcomed and promoted. The more comfortable your female employees become around talking about the topic at work, the more likely they’ll be to seek designated supports available to them.

To promote a better understanding and acceptance of menopause, it’s important to redefine its perception and bring it more in line with reality, in order to normalise menopause and highlight the significance and richness of life during and after this stage.

Did you know?

Engaging in mindfulness practices can significantly alleviate menopause symptoms.

Practicing mindfulness, including through classes like yoga and Pilates, provides physical benefits by reducing stress hormones in the body and offers emotional and psychological support during this transitional phase in a woman's life.

How you can support your workforce

Our research found that while 80% of female employees believe that workplace support is crucial for women's health issues, only 30% feel that their employer is actually implementing these supports. 

Organise menopause talks for all employees, providing reliable and clear information. 

Arrange manager training to inform them with the knowledge they need to be able to support their employees.

Be clear and open with your employees on what your menopause policy is.

Introduce a menopause champion, raising awareness and providing support.

Provide flexible working arrangements and clear absence policies. 

Support your employees to focus on their fitness and diet, helping them to put the groundwork in for a healthy menopause. 

Vhi supports and how we can help you*

Our expert team is committed to providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to help your employees navigate the physical and emotional aspects of menopause with confidence and ease. Check out a selection of some of the supports we have in place for you and your employees.

Women's Health Clinic

Holistic care for women experiencing symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

Learn more

Mindfulness and Meditation Apps

Improve sleep and lower stress with €30 off an annual subscription to Headspace or Calm apps.

Learn more
Heart shape

Women's Health Awareness

Employee talks, seminars and manager training on all aspects of menopause. Talk to your account lead to learn more.  

Magnifying glass

Employee Assistance Programme

Confidential counselling and support for your employees. 

Learn more

Online Dietitian

A dietitian will assess your employee's diet and fitness routines and create a personalised plan.

Learn more

Vhi Verified Health Blog

Health advice from Vhi experts on managing the emotional challenges of menopause.

Learn more
* Please note some services and benefits are plan dependent.