A holistic approach to navigating menstruation in the workplace

Whether it's physical symptoms such as cramps and bloating or emotional symptoms such as mood swings, many of your workforce may be dealing with menstrual symptoms. This can have an impact on all aspects of their lives, both personal and professional. In fact, 69% of women we surveyed reported that they suffer from menstruation symptoms and 81% of these women told us that it affects work. With so many of your employees affected, how your company reacts and shows support is vital for workplace morale and effectiveness. 


39% of women surveyed suffer from heavy periods or flooding.

That's not all - 48% experience painful periods and 36% encounter infrequent, irregular or prolonged periods.

While this topic is often avoided in the workplace, many women report that they are suffering from symptoms daily, and say this has an impact on their work. 


Menstruation in the workplace

Menstruation is a normal part of life, and so many women deal with the symptoms daily. However, very few are willing to speak about what they are experiencing in the workplace. This is particularly true in front of male colleagues. When asked, 63% of women said they would be reluctant to talk about women’s health issues, such as menstruation, in front of male colleagues. But, according to our insights, 17% of women reported that their symptoms always interfere with work. This means that many of your employees could be suffering in silence, and this may be affecting your workplace.

Workplace supports

Our research also suggests that many workplaces are still not addressing the needs of their female employees when it comes to menstruation. 38% of women told us that their company makes sanitary products available to them, but beyond the availability of these products, other workplace supports are available to only 20% of women, or less. This includes agreed time off for women’s health issues, webinars or seminars focusing on women’s health and the offer of health assessments for employees, which include female-specific tests. 

Did you know?

Certain foods can positively impact menstrual health.

A diet including iron-rich foods, leafy greens and omega-3 fatty acids can support a healthier menstrual cycle.

How you can support your workforce

Seeking help or talking about health issues isn’t always easy for employees, particularly when they relate to issues that are specific to women’s health. Creating a supportive workplace environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their menstrual health concerns is key.

Building a holistic women’s health programme can help you foster a workplace culture where employees feel understood and supported through all aspects of their health, including menstruation. Not to mention, further-reaching impacts such as increased employee satisfaction, engagement and productivity, with less unexplained absences, helping you to retain your best talent. Here are some areas for you to consider including as part of this programme: 

Exercise and menstruation

54% of women told us that they're interested in using exercise to relieve their physical symptoms. However, many find their usual activity schedule affected by menstruation. Some forms of exercise, including yoga and Pilates, can help ease discomfort and increase the production of endorphins; our bodies’ feel-good hormones. 

Vhi supports and how we can help*

We’re committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of your workforce, and we believe that building a holistic women’s health programme can empower your team to thrive and create a supportive, happy work environment. Below are just some of the supports we have available to help you and your employees with this.

Holistic Menstrual Care

Many plans offer cover towards acupuncture, GP visits and the intrauterine system (IUS) hormonal coil. Check the Table of Benefits to learn more.

Person at desk

Vhi Wellness Portal

Access a variety of wellness programmes, from improving sleep to managing stress. Talk to your account lead to learn more.  

The head

Community Events

Access to expert-led talks and our Remote Gym series. Talk to your account lead to learn more.  

New sticker

Mindfulness and Meditation Apps

€30 off an annual subscription to Headspace or Calm apps.

Learn more
Heart shape

Online Health Team

Expert care, advice and supports from Doctors, Dietitians and Nurses. 

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Magnifying glass

Employee Assistance Programme

Confidential counselling and support, designed to support your employee’s overall wellbeing. 

Learn more
* Please note some services and benefits are plan dependent.